
SWISSSERENE Limited´s Privacy Policy sets out what information we collect, how we collect it, and what we do with it. We’re committed to treating your personal information with care, at SwissSerene we aim to maintain the highest level of data security at all levels.
Our Privacy Policy applies to you and all those you represent for your bookings and is available on our website and through all other marketing and sales channels. In all your dealings with us you must ensure that others you represent are aware of the content of our Privacy Policy and consent to You acting on their behalf.

Information About You

Your Information
This refers to a combination of information such as your name, contact details, travel documents like Passports, Visas, bank, credit or debit card details, travel preferences and special needs/disabilities/dietary requirements that you supply us or is supplied to us, including your social preferences, interests and activities and any information about other persons you represent (such as those on your booking). Your information is collected when you request information from us, contact us (and vice versa), make a booking, use our website(s)/apps, link to or from our website(s)/apps, connect with us via social media and any other engagement we or our business partners have with you.
We will update your information whenever we can to keep it current, accurate and complete.

How we Use Your Information?

(1) For the purpose of providing you with our services, including travel arrangements, holiday, security, incident/accident management or insurance, etc., we may disclose and process your information outside the UK/EEA. For you to travel abroad, it may be mandatory (as required by government authorities at the point(s) of departure and/or destination) to disclose and process your information for immigration, border control, security and anti-terrorism purposes, or any other purposes which they determine appropriate. Some countries will only permit travel if you provide your advance passenger data, these requirements may differ depending on your destination and you are advised to check. Even if not mandatory, we may exercise our discretion to assist where appropriate.

(2) We may collect and process your information for the purposes set out below and in our registration with the Office of the Information Commissioner, and disclose the same to our group companies for business purposes and also to companies and our service providers who act as “data processors” on our behalf, or to credit and fraud agencies (some of whom are located outside the UK/EEA). These purposes include administration, service, quality and improvement-related activities, customer care, product innovation and choice, business management, operation and efficiencies, re-organisation/structuring/sale of our business (or group companies), risk assessment/management, security, fraud and crime prevention/detection, monitoring, research and analysis, social media, reviews, advertising and marketing, loyalty programmes, profiling customer purchasing preferences, activities and trends, dispute resolution/litigation, credit checking and debt collection.

(3) Information (such as health or religion) may be considered “sensitive personal data” under the Data Protection Act 1998. We collect it to provide you with our services, cater to your needs or act in your interest, and we are only prepared to accept sensitive personal data on the condition that we have your positive consent. By booking with us you also agree for your insurers, their agents and medical staff to exchange relevant information and sensitive personal data with us in circumstances where we/they need to act on your behalf or in the interest of passengers or in an emergency.
We request all our prospects, customers, partners and patrons to review the above before engaging any discussion with us. If you do not agree to How we Use Your Information? above, we will regretfully decline engaging or doing business with you or accept your booking.

Marketing Material

(1) Using your information, we may from time to time contact you with or make available to you (directly or indirectly) information on offers of goods and services, brochures, new products, forthcoming events or competitions from our holiday divisions and our group companies. We will tailor the information you receive or see; this will enable us to make available to you more personalised and relevant communications. We may use innovative technologies and work with business partners to achieve this.

(2) We will assume you agree to email when you make an e-booking or provide us with your email in other situations such as in-store, competitions, promotions, prize draws and social media.

(3) If you do not wish to receive such information or would like to change your preference, please refer to point (2) of “Customer – Your Rights” below.

Customer - Your Rights

(1) On completing our Data Subject Access Request form, you are entitled to a copy of the information we hold about you (for a £10 fee) and to correct any inaccuracies.

(2) You have the right to ask in writing not to receive direct marketing material from us. If available, you can amend your previous preference on our website(s), use our “unsubscribe email”, opt-out of personalised emails or refer to our literature containing instructions. Once properly notified by you, we will take steps to stop using your information in this way.

(3) For a list of relevant brands, please send us your request. Please write to SWISSSERENELimited,

Foreign Controls

Outside the European Economic Area (EEA), data protection controls may not be as strong as the legal requirements in this country.

Use of Tools/"Cookies" and links to other Websites

If our contact and dealing with you is via our website(s) or other e-platforms where our advertising is displayed, cookies may be used. To find out more about the types of cookies on our website(s), how we use cookies, to disable them or to change your preference and more, please refer to the information provided on our website(s). Other e-platforms may have different options and instructions. By using our website(s), you consent to our use of cookies.
Our website(s) may contain links to third party websites or micro-sites not controlled or owned by us. For example, reference sites or ancillary products and services sites or websites owned by our sister brands or companies. It is your responsibility to check the status of these sites before using them. Please read their applicable terms and conditions, etc. carefully.

To maintain and enhance the quality of our website we use web metric services as detailed below:
• Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”) which records how visitors use our website. You can view how Google Analytics uses cookies to measure user-interactions on websites here.
• If you visit our website by following a Google Adwords link, Google will have set a cookie to confirm that you have used their service. Our website will support confirmation that the Adword has been used.
We provide web visitors with the option to accept or decline cookies on our website. Cookies collect data about visitors and allow certain functions of our website to perform correctly, this data is used only in an anonymous form; no individual is identified.
We have a number of forms on our website that enable users to contact us, all forms are submitted to us via email and we will respond to you in line with the request.


To ensure that we carry out your instructions accurately, improve our service and for security and fraud, we may review, monitor and/or record: (1) telephone calls; (2) activities using CCTV in and around our premises; (3) transactions and activities at all points of contact; and (4) web, social media and app traffic, activities, etc. All recordings and derivative materials are and shall remain Swissserene’s sole property.

Security Statement

We have taken all reasonable steps and have in place appropriate security measures to protect your information.

Changes to This Policy

Any changes to this Policy will be either posted on our website, brochure and/or made available on request.
Privacy Policy: V1 March 2013

Data No Tices:-

Customer Data: To provide your holiday and ensure that it runs smoothly, we (and your travel agent, if you use one) need to use information such as your name and address, , travel documents like Passports, Visas, bank, credit or debit card details, special needs, dietary requirements, etc. Please be informed that we must pass it to suppliers of your travel arrangements, including airlines, hotels and transport companies; we may also supply it to security or credit checking companies, and to public authorities such as customs and immigration. When you make this booking, you consent to this information being passed to the relevant people. Information held by your travel agent is subject to that company’s own data protection policy.